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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

nail polish in carpet

This tip comes from personal experience. My niece was over at my house one day, opened a bottle of hot pink nail polish and proceeded to paint my beige carpet. After I freaked a bit, I searched for tips on removal, and found a great one. You take men's shaving cream, the basic, white, Barbasol, no color added shaving cream. Cover the stains and start scrubbing with a white wash cloth. Even if the stain is dry, this removes it (though it works best if the stain hasn't set yet). The best part, you don't have to wash that area to clean up the shaving cream, in fact the shaving cream conditions the carpet.


mead family said...

Yeah, sorry about that. I was sick to my stomach when Chloe did that! I'm glad that the shaving cream worked.

Anonymous said...

Well said.