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Friday, October 24, 2008

Organize ribbon

Do you have a gazillion ribbons like I do? I may have more than the average person just because I make bows but everyone has ribbon and if you're like me, I always found it impossible to store it. So to solve my lost, unrolled, mixed-up ribbon issues, I came up with this organization for all my ribbon. All it takes it a hot glue gun, dowel rods (I prefer using 3/16" x 12"), and I have no clue what it's called but a little wooden wheel thing. All of which are found in your local craft store next to each other. You can even purchase them all for under $10.00. It's really cheap.

All you have to do is put hot glue on the end of one dowel and attach the wooden wheel. For added security I glued the top and bottom once it was on the dowel. Then organize, organize, organize. I am all about color coordination, my closet is this way and so is my ribbon. To keep it from unraveling, I keep scotch tape with my ribbon so it's handy when I need to re-tape it after use. Then purchase or gets some use out of a box or bin. And there you have it, an easy, cheap, organized ribbon technique.

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