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Monday, December 15, 2008


This is kind of a silly tip, but kind of not. I am obsessed with washing my hands. I am a huge germaphobe, trying to recover OCD maniac. Well, a great tip I just heard from a Dr. -- the perfect amount of time for a person to wash their hands, keeping our little kidlets in mind, is the same amount of time it takes to sing the ABC's or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. What a great idea.

On a similar note, when we started brushing my daughter's teeth she would fight it, she hated it so we decided to sing the ABC's and she loves it and has not faught getting her teeth brushed since. So, it sounds like the ABC's are a trick for several things.


Anonymous said...

I'm a germaphobe, too. My friend gave me a really neat product to teach my kids to cough and sneeze into their elbow. Hopefully this will stop the spread of germs to me! Anyway, it is an arm sleeve that they call Germy Wormy. It has a cute character on it that "catches" the kids germs germs and throw it away. Very neat. I am giving these for gifts this year.


Melanie said...

Okay, I'm a huge germaphobe too, but you knew that already. In fact, I won't let my kids play on playground equipment at the mall or McDonalds. They're honestly deprived because of my issues. I'm off to check out germywormy now.
Thanks for the tips!