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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Two in one day :)

That's right, two posts in one day. I feel it's fitting since I haven't been around for at least a week. As all of us are I'm sure, I've been super busy with the holidays and then I'm doing a craft fair on Friday and two Scentsy parties this weekend, phew, busy but all of it's fun. But, I have some great stuff to add so why not do two in one day.

This one actually comes from my good friend, Amanda. Unfortunately for her, but fortunately for us, her youngest daughter got her cute little hands on a permanent marker and decided to display her artistic abilities on the counter and linoleum floor. That can't be a pretty sight to see!

So off my friend went to find help. She used Mr. Clean on the counters but, as I too learned from personal experience, Mr. Clean does not work at all on linoleum floors. I'm not sure why, but I too have scrubbed my floor with it to get a grape juice stain out and it didn't work, just like she didn't get the marker out. However, the good new is, toothpaste and baking soda remove permanent marker. Amanda said you can't even tell there was marker on the floor. Hopefully you won't have to test this one out, but rest assured if you do, there's a way to get it out. Thanks Amanda!!!!!

**All tips are much appreciated, email me at j4atkinson@gmail.com.**

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