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Thursday, November 6, 2008

straight line

I was sharing with a friend earlier today a neat trick in Photoshop and I of course had to come here and add it. If you are wanting to do something in a straight line, i.e. brush, no need to stress over holding your hand still so you get it perfect, simply hold down the shift key while drawing your line and voila you have a straight line, it won't let you deviate from that. How cool is that!?! If you like learning little tips like this or other short keys, let me know and I will add them.


Megan said...

Jess your the best ;*

estinger said...

all my years of using photoshop and I NEVER knew that! Thanks so much, you just saved me at least 10 minutes a project :)

missliss5/Melissa said...

Does this work while using an eraser tool, too?

Jessica said...

Yep, it works with eraser, cool huh! It's one of the best things I've learned.