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Monday, November 10, 2008

what program are you using

If I have enough full blown Photoshop users, I will try and do double instructions, one for Elements and one for Photoshop. Let me know what you're using and I will try and help both. Also, soon I will be getting CS3 so I can add tips for that as well.


Amanda said...

I have Elements--and I'll just restate here that I know nothing about it. :)

estinger said...

I'm using CS2 but I'm sure any tips would be pretty much the same for any version of Photoshop...at least it will look the same on the screen :)

Leslie said...

Elements for me - and how I love to learn how to do more with it!!!

Ashby said...

I have CS3.

By the way, did you know that you can get CS3 for a third of the price since your dh is in school? That's how we got ours!

Ashby said...

I have CS3.

By the way, did you know that you can get CS3 for a third of the price since your dh is in school? That's how we got ours!

Jessica said...

I did know that Ashby. In fact, I should make that a tip. It's a good one. I can't wait to get it.

missliss5/Melissa said...

I have elements!